1984 Dr.Sci. Moscow State University
1974 Ph.D. Moscow State University
1972 A.M. Moscow State University
Honors and prizes
1975 Young Fellow Prize, Moscow State Universit
1984 Assistant Professor, Moscow State University
1995 Full Professor in Mathematics, Moscow State University
1999 Full Professor in Physics, International Science Educational
Main books
1. "Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics", Zeldovich Ya., Ruzmaikin A.,
Sokoloff D., Gordon and Breach, N-Y, 1983.
2. "Magnetic Fields of Galaxies", Ruzmaikin A., Shukurov A., Sokoloff
D., Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1988.
3. "The Almighty Chance", Zeldovich Ya.B., Ruzmaikin A.A., Sokoloff
D.D., World Sci., Singapore, 1991.
Honors and Prizes
1975 Young Fellow Prize, Moscow State University
1984 Assistant Professor, Moscow State University
1995 Full Professor in Mathematics, Moscow State University
1999 Full Professor in Physics, International Science Educational
Program |
Academic appointments
1972-present Department of Physics, Moscow State University, 1993
- Full professor
2000-present Department of Mechanic and Mathematics, Moscow
State University, Full professor.
1994-present Leading Researcher, Computing Center, Moscow State
2004-present Professor of Mathematics, Department of International
Politics, Moscow State University.
1992 Visiting Scholar, I. Newton Institute, Cambridge University, UK
1993-1994 Astronomer, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
1996, 2002 Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematic and Statistics,
University of Exeter, UK
1997 Visiting Professor, Astronomical Institute, University of Catania,
Catania, Italy
1998 Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK
1998,1999, 2000 Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
2003 Visiting Professor, Beijing Observatory, China
Other appointments
2005-present Scientific Council in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
Moscow State University
2003-present Scientific Council in Computer Science and Mathematical
Physics, Moscow State University
2004 - present Scientific Council in Geophysics
1992-present Editorial Board, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid
1995-2010 State Examination Board, Department of Physics, Moscow
State University
1995-present Expert of Russian Foundation for Basic Research
2000-present Editorial Board, Advanced Computing and Programming.
2010-present Editorial Board, New Astronomy.
2000-present Member of the Federal List of Experts for Scientific
and Technical Problems N 11313707.1376
2000-present Scientific Council in Geophysics, Moscow State University |
Selected papers
- D.Moss, R.Stepanov, T.G.Arshakian, R. Beck, M.Krause, D.Sokoloff, Multiscale magnetic fields in spiral galaxies: evolution and
reversals, Astron. Asttrophys, 537, A68, 13 pages (2012).
- Moss, D., Sokoloff, D., Lanza, A. F., Polar branches of stellar
activity waves: dynamo models and observations, Astron. Astrophys.,
531, A43, 12 pages, 2011.
- P. Frick, D.Sokoloff, R. Stepanov, R. Beck, Faraday rotation measure
synthesis for magnetic fields of galaxies, MNRAS, 414, N3,
2540 - 2549, 2011.
- N.Kleeorin, I. Rogachevskii, D. Sokoloff, D. Tomin, Mean-field
dynamos in random Arnold-Beltrami-Childress and Roberts flows,
Phys. Rev. E, 79, 046302, 7 pages, 2009.
- Hongqi Zhang, Shangbin Yang, Yu Gao, Jingtao Su, D.D.Sokoloff,
K.Kuzanyan, Large-scale soft X-0ray loops and their magnetic
chirality in both hemispheres, ApJ, 719, N 2, pp. 1955-1963
- D.Moss, S.H.Saar, D.Sokoloff, What can we hope to know about
the symmetry properties of stellar magnetic fields? MNRAS, 38,
N1, 416-420, 2008.
- Elperin T., Kleeorin N., Rogachevskii I., Mean-field theory for a
passive scalar advected by a turbulent velocity field with random
renewal time, Phys. Rev. E., 64, N 1, 2001.
- H.Zhang, D.Sokoloff, I.Rogachevskii, D.Moss, V.Lamburt, K.Kuzanyan,
N.Kleeorin, The radial distribution of magnetic helicity
in the solar convective zone: observations and dynamo theory,
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 365, 276-286, 2006.
- Elperin T., Kleeorin N., Rogachevskii I., D.Sokiloff, Turbulent
transport of atmospheric aerosols and formation of large-scale
structures, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (A), 25, N 12,
797 – 803, 2000.
- P.Frick, D.Sokoloff, Cascade and dynamo action in a shell model
of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Phys. Rev. E, 57, N 4,
4155-4164, 1998 (P. Frick).
- A.Kazantsev, A.Ruzmaikin, D.Sokoloff, Magnetic field transport
in an acoustic turbulence flow, Sov. Phys. JETP, 61, 285 – 292,
- P.Frick, S.Khripchenko, S.Denisov, D.Sokoloff, J.-F.Pinton, Effective
magnetic permeability of a turbulent fluid with macroferroparticles,
Europhys. J. B 25, 399 – 402, 2002.
- T.Elperin, N.Kleeorin, V.L'vov, I.Rogachevskii, D.Sokoloff, The
clustering instability of inertial particles spatial distribution in
turbulent flows, Phys. Rev. E., 2002, 66, 036302, 16p.
- V.V.Pipin, D.D.Sokoloff, The fluctuating ®-effect and Waldmeier
relations in the nonlinear dynamo models, Phys. Scr., 84, N6,
065903, 10p, 2011.
- P.V.Akhmet'ev, V.B.Semikoz, D.D.Sokoloff, Hypermagnetic helicity
flux in the nuclei of a new phase in the electroweak phase
transition, JETP Letters, 91, N 5, 215 - 218, 2010.
- D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, R.Beck, M.Krause, Galactic winds and the
symmetry properties of galactic magnetic fields, Astron. Astrophys.,
512, id.A61, 5 pages, 2010.
- Zhang H., Sakurai T., Pevtsov A., Gao Yu, Xu Haiqing, Sokoloff
D.D., Kuzanyan K., New dynamo pattern revealed by solar helical
magnetic fields, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society: Letters, Volume 402, Issue 1, pp. L30-L33, 2010.
- Frick P., Stepanov R., Sokoloff D., Beck R. Wavelet based Faraday
Rotation Measure Synthesis, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
Letters. 2010. V.401, L24L28.
- Semikoz V., Sokoloff D., Valle J.W.F., Is the baryon asymmetry
of the Universe related to galactic magnetic fields? Phys. Rev.
D, 80, Issue 8, id. 083510, 2009.
- N. Kleeorin, I. Rogachevskii, D. Sokoloff, D. Tomin, Mean-field
dynamos in random Arnold-Beltrami-Childress and Roberts flows,
Phys. Rev. E, 79, 046302, 7 pages, 2009.
- D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, Dynamo generated toroidal magnetic fields
in rapidly rotating stars, Astron. Astrophys., 497, N 3, 829-833,
- Arshakian T. G., Beck R., Krause M., Sokoloff D., Evolution of
magnetic fields in galaxies and future observational tests with the
Square Kilometre Array, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 494, N 1,
2009, 21-32.
- D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, The coexistence of odd and even parity magnetic
fields in disc galaxies, Astron. Astrophys, 487, N 1, 197-203,
- 24. D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, I.Usoskin, V.Tutubalin, Solar Grand minima
and random fluctuations in dynamo parameters, Solar Physics,
250, 221-234, 2008.
- D. Moss, D. Sokoloff, Mode enslavement in a two-layer stellar
dynamo, MNRAS, 377, N4, 1597 - 1604, 2007.
- D.Moss, A.P.Snodin, P.Englmaier, A.Shukurov, R.Beck, D.Sokoloff,
Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. V. Modelling NGC 1365,
Astron. Astrophys., 465, 157-170, 2007.
- P.Frck, D.Sokoloff, R.Stepanov Large- and small-scale interactions
and quenching in an ®2-dynamo, Phys. Rev. E74, 066310,
12 pages, 2006.
- Shukurov A., Sokoloff D., Subramanian K., Brandenburg A.,
Galactic dynamo and helicity losses through fountain flow, Astron.
Astrophys., 448, N 2, 2006, L33-L36.
- S.V.Berdyugina, D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, I.G.Usoskin, Active longitudes,
nonaxisymmatric dynamos and phase mixing, A&A, 445,
N2, 703-714, 2006.
- V.Obridko, D.Sokoloff, K.Kuzanyan, B.Shelting, V.Zakharov, Solar
cycle according to mean magnetic field data, MNRAS, 365,
N3, 827 - 832, 2006.
- S.Baliunas, P.Frick, D.Moss, E.Popova, D.Sokoloff, W.Soon, Anharmonicity
and standing dynamo waves: theory and observation
of stellar magnetic activity, MNRAS, 365, N1, 181 - 190, 2006.
- R. Beck, A. Fletcher, A. Shukurov, A. Snodin, D.D. Sokoloff, M.
Ehle, D. Moss, V. Shoutenkov, Magnetic fields in barred galaxies.
IV. NGC 1097 and NGC 1365, Astron. Astrophys., 444, n3, 739
- 765, 2005.
- 33. P. Dolukhanov, A. Shukurov, D. Groninborn, D. Sokoloff, V.
Timofeev, G. Zaitseva, The chronology of Neolithic dispersal in
Central and Eastern Europe, J. Archaeological Science, 32, N 10,
1441 - 1458, 2005.
- Semikoz V. B., Sokoloff D., Magnetic helicity and cosmological
magnetic field, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 433, N 3, 2005,
- D.Sokoloff, The Maunder minimum and the solar dynamo, Solar
Physics, 224, N 1-2, 145 - 152, 2005.
- E.Nesme-Ribes, S.Baliunas, D.Sokoloff, The stellar dynamo (updated
version), Scientific American, 14, N4, 34 - 41, 2004.
- V.B.Semikoz, D.D.Sokoloff, Large-scale magnetic field generation
by ®-effect driven by collective neutrino-plasma interaction, Phys.
Rev. Lett., 92, N 13, 131301, 4 p., 2004.
- V.Lamburt, D.Sokoloff, V.Tutubalin, Jacobi fields along a geodesic
with random curvature, Mathematical Notes, 74, N 3, 393 - 400
- Beck R., Shukurov A., D.Sokoloff, Wielebinski R., Systematic
bias in interstellar magnetic field estimates, A&A, 411, 99-107,
- N.Kleeorin, K.Kuzanyan, D.Moss, I.Rogachevskii, H.Zhang, Magnetic
helicty evolution during the solar activty cycle: observations
and dynamo theory, A&A, 409, 1097 – 1105, 2003.
- N.Kleeorin, D.Moss, I.Rogachevskii, D.Sokoloff, Nonlinear magnetic
diffusion and magnetic helicity transport in galactic dynamos,
A&A, 400, 9-18, 2003.
- D.Moss, N.Piskunov, D.Sokoloff, Nonaxisymmetric cool spot distributions
and dynamo action in close binaries, Astron. Astrophys.,
396, 885 – 893, 2002.
- P.Dolukhanov, A.Shukurov, D.Sokoloff, D.Gronenborn, V.I.Timofeev,
G.I.Zaitseva, Improved chronology for the Neolithic of Central
and Eastern Europe, 14C and Archeology, British Archeology
Reports, Oxford, 2002.
- P.Frick, M.Reshetnyak, D.Sokoloff, Combined grid-shell approach
for convection in rotating spherical layer, Europhys. Lett., 59,
N2, 212 – 217, 2002.
- R. Beck, V. Shoutenkov, M. Ehle, J.I. Harnett, R.F. Haynes, A.
Shukurov, D.Sokoloff, M. Thierbach, Magnetic fields in barred
galaxies. I. The atlas. Astron. Astrophys., 2002, 391, 83 – 102.
- N.Piskunov, D.Sokoloff, Swing excitation and magnetic activity
in close binary systems, Mon. Not. roy. Astr. Soc., 2002, 334,
N4, 925 – 932.
- N.Kleorin, D.Moss, I.Rogachevskii, D.Sokoloff, The role of magnetic
helicity transport in nonlinear galactic dynamos, A&A, 387,
453 - 462, 2002.
- 48. D.Sokoloff, Fractals, self-similarity & structures, Wulfenia. Mitteilungen
des K¨arnter Botanikzentrum, Klagenfurt, 9, 1 – 7, 2002.
- R.Stepanov, P.Frick, A.Shukurov, D.Sokoloff, Wavelet tomography
of the galactic magnetic field. I. The method. Astron. Astrophys.,
2002, 391, 361 – 368.
- D.Moss, A.Shukurov, D.Sokoloff, R.Beck, A.Fletcher, Magnetic
fields in barred galaxies. II. Dynamo models. Astron. Astrophys.,
380, 55 – 71, 2001.
Total number of papers in refereed journals and proceedings is
about 450 papers.